Close Off Meeting in Budapest!!!

Last week, on the 26th, it was a wonderful day for Ensure partnership.
We were all hosted by our partner Cz&K Solution in the beautiful premises of the Kaptar coworking in Budapest (5th best coworking in the world.) for the Close Off Meeting of this wonderful and interesting Erasmus+ project that lasted for 26 months.
The project is almost at it’s conclusion, but the wonderful results that we achieved with the training materials we have produced makes us all so proud and exited, most of all in trying to foresee what wonderful uses you all may have for them.
Please visit us in the TOOLS section of our website and try them all!!!
We want also to thank our coordinator Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Côte d’Azur for their efforts in coordinating the partnership and Fondazione Edulife for the coordination of IO2 activities, and also all the other partners for their efforts in the production of the materials.
Thanks to all!!! It was a pleasant and meaningful journey!!!
Second LTTA in Verona

Last week we met in Verona in the beautiful and super-interesting premises of 311, Fondazione EDULIFE’s coworking.
These were extremely intense and satisfying days. We tested all the materials produced for IO2 by the partnership and found a high level of both the knowledge imparted and the materials produced to test what was learnt.
We want to thank the hosting partner for organizing the event and for never letting us get bored. Every moment of downtime was filled with exciting activities, from visiting important places in the city to meeting entrepreneurs and personalities important to the Circular Economy
We also want to thank the other partners for their commitment and dedication in participating in the activities of the LTTA, which, like the previous one, played a decisive role in strengthening already well-established relationships and building new ones.
We wish everyone good luck in implementing the latest project activities and see you soon in Budapest!!!
Exciting news on IO1 and IO2

The entire ENSURE partnership is proud and happy to announce that our IO1 product is finally completely ready and that it has been uploaded on our website TOOLS section for you all to consult, learn and be inspired by it!
Given the wide amount of content of the Training Course Material, we chose to split it in six chapters, each tackling a different topic. The first five chapters:
Chapter 1 – Desktop research.
Chapter 2 – Business idea and feasibility assessment. Enterprise self-assessment.
Chapter 3 – Ideas and models to train and help entrepreneurs.
Chapter 4 – Plastics and Circular Economy. Opportunities and Challenges.
Chapter 5 – Management of Intellectual Property.
are comprised of notions that are fundamental for students but that can be really useful in refreshing/upscaling trainers’ knowledge on entrepreneurship and Circular Economy, in particular related to plastics. The sixth chapter:
Annex – Trainers’ Corner.
has been developed focusing on trainers and on how we as a partnership could help them in shaping their training methods and techniques in relation to Circular Economy, entrepreneurship, gamification and other topics.
We want to thank in particular our IO1 coordinator Cz&K CONSULTING SZOLGALTATO KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG for their patience and relentlessness in guiding us all towards the completion of this activity and we want to thank all the other partners for their hard work and determination.
Thans to our IO2 coordinator Fondazione Edulife ONLUS we are not only on track but on a great track towards IO2’s completion, so please stay tuned for our next exciting news!
First LTTA in Budapest

Yesterday, Last week we met in Budapest to test and form ourselves to our IO1.
Partners proposed and participated in workshops and brainstorming activities related to circular economy, business models, entrepreneurship, plastics recycling and intellectual property.
We want to shout a huge thanks to the hosting partner Cz&K CONSULTING SZOLGALTATO KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG for their great welcoming, organization and field activity on litter trap.
Also thanks to all the other partners for their contribution to the training activity. It was a great activity not only from pure testing and training of the materials but also for the great synergy that has arisen as days went by. Not to forget the incredible human interaction capital without which we would have had difficulties in achieving such heights in our results.
Good luck to everybody and see you soon for LTTA2 on IO2 in Verona.
Third transnational project meeting in Graz and Start of IO2 activities
Yesterday, the partnership met for the second time in person. We met in Graz, Austria, in ARGE ABFALLVERMEIDUNG, RESSOURCENSCHONUNG UND NACHHALTIGE ENTWICKLUNG GmBH’s wonderful premises.
After a brief discussion over project management and dissemination and communication topics, we focused on IO1 and IO2.
For IO1, its coordinator Cz&K CONSULTING SZOLGALTATO KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG, held a wonderful presentation of the few final steps missing towards its completion. Moreover, we discussed the organization of the first Learning, Teaching and Training Activity, which will be used to further upgrade the produced materials.
For IO2, its coordinator Fondazione EDULIFE ONLUS, both held a presentation on how will be produced all the components of the project’s MOOC and coordinated a wonderful and interesting activity in which we developed the definitive structure of the teaching materials that will be part of the MOOC.
We want to thank again our hosting partner for their wonderful organization of the meeting and our project coordinator CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ITALIENNE DE NICE, SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, COTE D’AZUR for the coordination of the meeting.
Moreover, we want also to thank all the other partners for their contribution to the development of the discussion.
Lastly, we want to wish, as always, good luck to everyone in the continuation of the project!

First in-person transnational project meeting in ancona
Last week the first in-person transnational meeting was held in Ancona, Italy, in FVB S.R.L.’s premises.
Obviously, us partners have already met online, but this was our first-time meeting face to face, which allowed us to know each other better.
During the time spent together, a lot of important details were discussed.
We focused on the missing steps for IO1’s completion. Revisions, additional and expansion of content and the content formatting were detailed and approved.
We also started planning for IO2’s implementation, with the evaluation of our possibilities in its production.
Lastly, we spoke about the learning teaching and training activity that will be held in February of 2022 in Hungary, and of how it will help us in further defining our product’s quality.
We want to thank our hosting partner for the organization of the meeting and for the warm welcoming and we want also to express our gratefulness to the other partners for their effort in the presentations they held during the meeting and to Cz&K CONSULTING SZOLGALTATO KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG for the coordination for IO1’s discussion.
We want to wish to everyone good luck in the prosecution of this wonderful project and in hope of meeting you all again soon!

First Output production update
In December 2020, the project ENSURE funded through the ERASMUS + KA202 call began. Its purpose is to develop training materials regarding the opportunities offered by Circular Economy in the plastics sector for entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs and for VET trainers.
The decision-making process regarding the strategies to follow in the production of the first Output “ENSURE – Training Course Material” was challenging due to the need to limit the meetings between project partners to videoconferences only, but we managed to reach the conclusion of this path. For about two months, the works have been running at full speed.
We want to thank all the project partners for the commitment shown and for the splendid work done so far. In particular we want to thank the Lead Partner Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Côte d’Azur and the coordinator of the first Output Cz&K consulting szolgaltato korlatolt felelossegu tarsasag for the support and coordination given in all the activities.
We wish everyone good luck in the future of the project.