EU promotes a transition toward a “circular” flow in the economic system. For a systemic transition, CE must be infused in the mindset of future generations of entrepreneurs, shaping the business environment in a way that favors the creation of new businesses focused on reusing and recycling materials.
Europe seems on the right path to meet the 20/20/20 targets on carbon emissions reductions, energy efficiency, and production of renewable energy.


As easily deductible from what is stated above, project ENSURE has as its general objective the improvement of the number of businesses based on CE models

Specific Objective 1

Train the trainers: Producing a collection of best practices and educational materials to teach business coaches how to lead potential startups into the Circular Economy field.

Specific Objective 2

Improve the awareness of present entrepreneurs and investors on the possibilities offered by CE.

Specific Objective 3

Supporting the creation of locally based CE startups, with focus on plastic’s reuse and valorization sector, possibly aligning to local S3 (Smart Specialization Strategies).


  1. Increase the knowledge of VET providers and business coaches on the already existing good and best practices in the field of plastics Circular Economy, also increasing their awareness regarding the possibilities it offers to startups and already existing enterprises.
  2. Increase the knowledge of present entrepreneurs and investors on the topics stated above, as a way of obtaining a multiplier effect on plastics Circular Economy application to entrepreneurship.
  3. Supporting the creation of locally based CE startups, with focus on plastic’s reuse and valorization sector, possibly aligning to local S3 (Smart Specialization Strategies).